Tuesday, March 4, 2008

London School for Islamic Art

The Lebanon Daily Star profiled an intriguing school in London's East End for Islamic Arts. The Prince's School for Traditional Arts was founded by Prince Charles:
Choosing either a masters or a doctoral track, students are taught theory and crafts, including mosaic, miniature painting, stone carving, calligraphy, arabesque (Islimi), woodwork and tile making.
The school has since expanded to include a commercial aspect, so the students can sell their creations. Islamic Arts have been present in Europe for centuries, notably in Spain and Eastern Europe, but as the article notes, there are few schools left in the world devoted solely to this pursuit. Most importantly for this school is the promotion of the idea of Islam as complex and indeed, quite often, beautiful.

Interesting to note Prince Charles association with this wonderful project. His family, the Windsors, are partly descended from the Prophet Muhammad.

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