Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Walmart and Arab America

Newsweek published this interesting article about a Wal-Mart that opened up near Dearborn, Michigan, which has one of the largest concentrations of Arab-Americans. This Wal-Mart has specifically targeted Arab-Americans with everything from Egyptian Mango Juice to Halal meats. Notably (after surveying potential customers) the Wal-Mart decided not to carry hijabs (head scarves), because people felt uncomfortable buying them from Wal-Mart.

I am honestly surprised that something like this has happened already. Monolith corporations are steering away from cookie-cutter standards to accommodate specific consumer markets, because this is how the 21st century Capital is making money. Note the "Asian" McDonalds (complete with feng shui) that opened recently in a heavy Asian-American part of California.

What I find most curious is this:

Despite the sensitive sell, local shopkeepers still worry about Wal-Mart. "There is a fear factor in the business community," says Osama Siblani, publisher of Dearborn's Arab American News. To allay those fears, Wal-Mart is making an extraordinary promise: it will not undercut the prices of the small local merchants (though it will still go after Kroger). The insular company even agreed to be scrutinized by a "community advisory board" made up of local Arab-American leaders to ensure it isn't harming the mom-and-pop shops. One example: Wal-Mart agreed to charge one dime more than local grocers for a six-pack of pita bread.
Amazing. Besides the few communities that have successfully kept Wal-Mart out, I never have seen this level of open concession to local merchants. I wonder if it will be an isolated incident? Regardless, Wal-Mart "going native" is bent on undermining those small merchants.

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